Mushroom Gravy

A tribute to my old MIL.

Sometimes you crave a homemade gravy. Not one made from a packet of powder, or the one you zap in the microwave until bubbling. You want a gravy made from scratch with simple ingredients and with a bit of substance. This was me a week ago. That’s when I decided to whip up some mushroom gravy to accompany our meal.

I made a batch of meatballs but wanted to serve it with something other than a tomato-based sauce. Then I thought about the times my former (yes I was married before!) mother-in-law (otherwise known as MIL in my mummy circles) made a homemade gravy to serve with her meatballs. She would do this in a frying pan after she made the meatballs so the flavour on the bottom of the pan would infuse in the gravy she made. Now I have to confess, she wasn’t much of a cook. I don’t have many recipes from my time as her daughter-in-law as her go-to meals were either roast chicken or fillet steak with salad. She wasn’t into experimentation and didn’t really enjoy cooking too much. Anyway, I decided to embark on a journey and make a homemade gravy myself, but with a few added extras – namely mushrooms, onions and of course garlic.

This mushroom gravy is a super easy recipe and super delicious. My current husband isn’t a fan of mushrooms however I can get him to eat them if I don’t have them chopped too chunky. You can however chop your mushrooms for this gravy as big or small as you like. In this recipe, I used white button mushrooms. If you’re a mushroom fan,  try this recipe with brown mushrooms or even portobellos for a different flavour. If you feel daring, mix a couple of these mushrooms together!

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Mushroom Gravy - so simple and delicious that you dont need to use store bought again.

Mushroon Gravy

This gravy is delicious. Plus being simple to make it goes to show you don't need to reach for a store-bought packet of gravy for your family's next meal!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 4 people


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 750 ml beef stock
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped (if desired)


  • In a frying pan (either a clean one, or one just used to fry meatballs or steak) on medium heat, add oil, mushrooms, onions and garlic. Cook until onions are soft and just starting to take on a little colour.
  • Add beef stock into the frying pan and continue to cook until liquid starts to simmer.
  • In a small bowl, mix together flour and butter until a smooth lump free consistency. Add a tablespoon at a time into the hot liquid and whisk together until dissolved. Continue to cook until liquid fully thickens up.
  • Add on top of meat and serve with a sprinkling of freshly chopped parsley.

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