Garlic Brussels Sprouts

The Cinderella of all vegetables.

Over the decades, brussels sprouts have been so incredibly misunderstood. They’ve long been cast aside as a lame bitter vegetable hated by kids and adults alike. I grew up with mum serving these for dinner. She would boil them and serve them as is. Naked. It was quite unappealing to me and I’d screw my nose up at them. Then I discovered that you can pan fry or even bake brussels sprouts. This changed my life… now these garlic brussels sprouts are a firm staple vegetable in our household.

DID YOU KNOW… that cooking the sprouts in high heat, cuts bitterness by caramelizing them, creating crispness, and a sweet, nutty flavour.

These are charred and crispy on the outside, lightly caramelized and meaty on the inside. These are truly amazing and mind-blowing. How could such an unloved vegetable actually taste so good?!

Garlic Brussel Sprouts - quick and easy to make to accompany any grill meat.
Garlic Brussel Sprouts – quick and easy to make to accompany any grill meat.

My kids will eat them but they aren’t their favourite vegetable. Hey, the key thing is… THEY WILL EAT THEM. For any parent out there, you’ll know how hard it is to get kids to try something new. Mine will now eat these garlic brussels sprouts whenever I serve them.


This has only happened because I’ve sauteed them on the stovetop to cut down the bitterness that his vegetable is known for. All you need to make this recipe is a heavy-bottomed frying pan, olive oil, salt, and 10 minutes over medium-high heat with a little garlic butter added right at the end before serving. Use nut butter or olive oil spread instead if you want this as a vegan side dish.

I can’t recommend this recipe enough. A well-cooked brussels sprout will quickly displace whatever childhood trauma you’ve endured by eating sad, mushy boiled brussels sprouts.

How do I prep my Brussels sprouts?

Start as you would with any veggie and give them a good rinse under cold running water. Next, use a paring knife to remove the stem. Then, use your fingers to pull off any yellow or damaged outer leaves. It’s as simple as that… a perfectly cleaned sprout!

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Garlic Brussel Sprouts - quick and easy to make to accompany any grill meat.

Garlic Brussels Sprouts

Don't eat boiled brussels sprouts ever again... put a little extra effort and make these garlic brussels sprouts. Crunchy, delicious & not at all bitter! This is a gluten-free vegan recipe that will become a family favourite in no time.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 4 people


  • 500 g brussels sprouts
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • salt & pepper


  • Trim the brussels sprouts and half from top to bottom.
  • Heat oil in a heavy frying pan over medium-high heat until it shimmers. Put the sprouts cut side down in one layer into the pan. Cook for 5-7 minutes undisturbed or until sprouts become caramelised. Turn them to cook for a further 6-8 minutes, or until they have taken on more colour and are tender.
  • In a small bowl, mix together the crushed garlic, lemon juice and butter. Season with a little salt & pepper if desired.
  • Mix the garlic butter into the brussels sprouts right before serving.

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