Crumbed Cauliflower

Something simple last night.

While I love to create more elaborate meals, it’s not always possible. Yesterday I had been looking after a sick baby – poor Emma has got a bad cold. So I just wanted to whip something up quickly. Looking in the fridge showed we had a whole cauliflower in there. So I decided to make crumbed cauliflower for dinner which is one of the few vegetarian meals I love to cook.  

After I put cauliflower florets on the stove to steam, I decided to give my mum a call. I’m really close to my mum and we often talk daily if not just for a few minutes each day. I live in Australia while mum lives in New Zealand and continues to do so even though my dad passed away last year.

Of course, being foodies the topic of conversation turned to what we were both having for dinner. What a surprise to find mum cooked the exact same meal as us – crumbed califlower! This is a meal I grew up with and one both my husband and oldest daughter love. Yes, you read right… my 3-year old loves eating a meatless meal. Definitely makes this mummy very happy.  

Crumbed Cauliflower - one of my daughter's favourite meals
Crumbed Cauliflower – one of my daughter’s favourite meals

I dare you all to give this a go. It’s surprisingly good and so far I’ve had every a single person who I made this for say they like it. When I put dinner onto the table I still had to grab the dinner plates. When I returned I found her with a cauliflower floret in her hands. She just couldn’t wait. Tonight she polished off 3 big crumbed califlower florets as well as a good serving of mashed potato and carrots. So glad she ate well tonight!    

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Crumbed Cauliflower - simple vegetarian meal that even the kids love

Crumbed Cauliflower

A vegetarian meal that is so simple yet a family favourite in our household. My two kids adore these - especially when they can dip the cauliflower into tartare sauce!
Vegetables, Vegetarian
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Servings 4 people


  • 1 whole cauliflower
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 3/4 cup flour, plus extra if needed
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs, plus extra if needed
  • salt
  • Oil for frying


  • Cut the cauliflower into florets. Put into a steamer with water. Cook until just tender but not too soft. Take out and leave to cool.
  • Whisk the eggs with water and salt.
  • Crumb each cauliflower floret first by dipping in flour, then egg wash, and finally the breadcrumbs.
  • Deep fry in oil making sure its nice and golden all over.
  • Serve with tartare sauce for dipping, mashed potatoes and carrots.
Keyword Vegetables, Vegetarian

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