Cranberry Bliss Balls

Nut-free balls anyone?

Honestly. Most bliss ball recipes out there contain nuts. I understand that they are great for healthy fats and protein. They are not great however for kids to take to school. OK, not all schools have a nut-free policy and I have no idea whether my daughter’s school is or not. I’m figuring it’s better to be safe than sorry and plan for the worst case. That’s why I’m after recipes that are nut-free and these cranberry bliss balls are certainly that.

My daughter is starting school in 10 days’ time and I’ve been on a food prep journey making and freezing food to pop into her lunchbox. I don’t want the added stress each morning of wondering what to pop in for her snacks and lunches. My freezer is now full with five different things I’ve made and frozen. Everything from homemade crumbed chicken tenders to mini pizzas using flatbread. Each time I’ve made something this past week to freeze, I’ve given a little to my daughter to taste. After all, she’ll be the one eating it. So far I haven’t been disappointed. Each has met with thumbs up and smiles. Makes the advanced effort worthwhile.

Cranberry Bliss Balls - simple to make and OMG, so delicious! Plus these are nut-free, bonus!
Cranberry Bliss Balls – simple to make and OMG, so delicious! Plus these are nut-free, bonus!

Today I made cranberry bliss balls. I saw a recipe on Pinterest that had nuts included so decided to make my own version. Of course, nut-free. It’s delicious. So much so I had to slap away my husband’s hands from reaching for more to eat. Both daughters loved these with the youngest sneaking more than her fair share when  I wasn’t looking. Just glad I had enough to photograph but ultimately, store and freeze for my oldest’s school lunches!

Cranberry Bliss Balls - these will freeze well in a tight sealed container for up to 3 months.
Cranberry Bliss Balls – these will freeze well in a tight sealed container for up to 3 months.

Want another delicious recipe?

If you like this recipe, you’ll also love others available here. From pastas to risottos, cookies to desserts, and bliss balls to gluten-free options with everything in between. There is truly something here for everyone. I have developed this website to provide family-friendly recipes where I maximise both fresh produce while minimising cost.

Cranberry Bliss Balls - simple to make and OMG, so delicious! Plus these are nut-free, bonus!

Cranberry Bliss Balls

I'm on a journey to make healthy food to freeze for school lunches. There's nothing more perfect than a few cranberry bliss balls included for a burst of healthy energy. These are super easy to make and are nut-free. Totally moreish and delicious.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 30 balls


  • 1 cup cranberries
  • 18 madjool dates, pip removed
  • 1/2 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 2 teaspoons Pure maple syrup


  • Put cranberries, dates, coconut and oats in a blender. Blend until the consistency is fine. Add vanilla essence and maple syrup. Blend until mixture starts to bind together.
  • Roll 1 teaspoon quanitities into tight balls. Put balls in container to store in fridge for 1 week. Alternatively, freeze for up to 3 months.


  • Put the maple syrup in last. If your dates are moist, you may not need to add this.
  • You could substitute the maple syrup for water instead if you want to cut out this little added sweetness but add 1 teaspoon at a time as you don't want the mixture too wet. The maple syrup however, does add a lovely flavour in these bliss balls.

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