Banana Bread

Too many bananas!

At the markets last weekend we spotted a box of bananas going for next to nothing. We were in disbelief. Bananas aren’t terribly expensive as they’re currently in season but this was a jaw-dropping price. What was wrong with them? Absolutely nothing! They were just about ready to eat now. That was their only fault. It just meant they weren’t going to last more than 5 days at the very most. So we bought ourselves a box of bananas that contained approximately 10-12kg for a ridiculously small price. We couldn’t believe it. Nor could we leave such a deal behind.

The million-dollar question then was “what to do with all these bananas?!”  

I managed to sell 2/3 of them to a couple mums on Facebook who lived in the local area but we still had 4kg of bananas to consume in a few days.

The answer was simple – make some banana bread. This always goes down well for either breakfast or an afternoon snack with a cup of coffee. The only downside with this plan was they only used up two bananas per loaf which isn’t much in the whole scheme of things. Still, four bananas is nothing to sneeze at so off I went and made a loaf.  

Banana Bread - a cafe staple across Australia
Banana Bread – a cafe staple across Australia

This recipe was given to me by one of the mum’s who bought some bananas from me. It’s super easy and super delicious. What I love about it is that there is absolutely no creaming of butter, or sifting of flour required. Just mix everything together, put into a loaf tin and bake. The end result is an incredibly aromatic loaf of deliciousness. Good luck with trying to keep the masses from eating it while it has a chance to cool down!

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Banana Bread - a cafe staple across Australia

Banana Bread

This recipes proves that making banana bread isn't hard or time consuming. No creaming butter or sifting flour... simply mix all ingredients together.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Servings 1 loaf


  • 265 g self-raising flour
  • 40 g plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 70 g brown sugar
  • 70 g moscovado sugar
  • 125 ml skim milk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 50 g butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 2 bananas, over riped & mashed


  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius.
  • Mix all ingredients together and pour into a greased loaf tin.
  • Put into the oven and bake for approximately 45 minutes. Test with a skewer to make sure it's cooked all the way through.

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