Chorizo Potato Soup

Spanish flavours. Winter in Sydney has been a bit of a mixed bag. Some days it’s been really warm with 23 degrees celsius during the day. Other days it’s been 16 degrees. Regardless, the evenings have been cold. Soup is always a go-to for dinner – hearty and warm. The Spanish smoky flavours of this…

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

Flavoursome bowl of goodness. We’re currently in COVID lockdown here in Sydney. I work full-time so it’s been a juggling act to balance work commitments with remote learning for the kids. I won’t lie… I’ve struggled. I’ve been in tears. It’s a complete struggle. We’re just one household so can imagine how others are… the…

Simple Pumpkin Soup

A family staple recipe. Ask any mum if they make pumpkin soup and I’m sure the answer will be yes. It’s a meal that graces many dinner tables during winter. It’s also a meal that frequents a cafe’s menu too. With it being so incredibly popular, of course, we have our own version we make…

Chicken Meatball Soup

Winter time is soup time! I know it gets super cold with snow and ice in other parts of the world during winter. It’s not like that here in Sydney Australia. When growing up in New Zealand, I lived in Queenstown where it snowed often in our backyard during winter. I have fond memories of…

Lasagne Soup

A spin on the traditional recipe. We’ve been experiencing some really cold nights during this winter here in Sydney. When it’s cold, what better way to warm up than with a hearty bowl of soup. I have a lot of different soup recipes up my sleeve but I was keen to try something a little…

Zuppa Toscana

A restaurant copycat recipe. When looking for recipes online, there are few that pop up constantly with rave reviews. Olive Garden’s Zuppa Toscana was one that piqued my curiosity. Living in Australia, we don’t have the restaurant chain Olive Garden. While I’ve been to the USA many times, I’ve never eaten here. Nor have I…

Stracciatella Soup

A simple Italian soup. Soup weather has finally hit Sydney and it’s starting to get really cold at night. We are after all now officially in winter as at 1st June. But up to now, the weather has been pretty mild. I found this stracciatella soup recipe online that I thought was worth trying. My…

Chicken Sweet Corn Soup

Nourishing soup for the whole family. It’s winter and Sydney sure has had some really cold days of late! Cold to us Sydneysiders means that the high for the day is around 16 degrees celsius with a low of around 8 degrees. I know, that’s not that cold but for us beach lovers it is….