Creamy Boscaiola Pasta

Delicious comfort food. Pasta is a staple meal in our household. Some kind of version is always on the dinner rotate for the week. I have many different pasta recipes to tap into – this creamy boscaiola pasta is just one of them. Delicious Italian comfort food that is perfect all year round. Visit an…

Chorizo Potato Soup

Spanish flavours. Winter in Sydney has been a bit of a mixed bag. Some days it’s been really warm with 23 degrees celsius during the day. Other days it’s been 16 degrees. Regardless, the evenings have been cold. Soup is always a go-to for dinner – hearty and warm. The Spanish smoky flavours of this…

Fish Cakes with Homemade Tartare Sauce

Mystery fish. When at the markets on Saturday, we often take a look at what type of seafood is going cheap in the afternoon. It’s how this fish cakes recipe came about after buying some white fish at Sydney Markets. Honestly, Sydney Markets are amazing. You can eat so cheaply but so incredibly well if…

Chicken Basil Pesto Pasta

Quick and easy… perfect! Sydney has been blessed with amazing weather despite the onset of winter. We have had cool nights but the days have been sunny and warm. Our plants in the backyard have also loved the weather we’ve been having. Our basil in particular has taken off and grown crazily. We have more…

Spicy Salami & Eggplant Penne

Warm, not spicy. I know, you’re thinking of course this meal is spicy. After all, it has spicy salami as the key ingredient. Well yes… it does have this. However, when combined with all the other ingredients, this pasta is definitely warm and not spicy. I made this and the family polished off every last…

Chicken Meatball Soup

Winter time is soup time! I know it gets super cold with snow and ice in other parts of the world during winter. It’s not like that here in Sydney Australia. When growing up in New Zealand, I lived in Queenstown where it snowed often in our backyard during winter. I have fond memories of…

Lasagne Soup

A spin on the traditional recipe. We’ve been experiencing some really cold nights during this winter here in Sydney. When it’s cold, what better way to warm up than with a hearty bowl of soup. I have a lot of different soup recipes up my sleeve but I was keen to try something a little…

Easy Chicken Hoisin Noodles

Lots of noodles! My two kids love noodles. Like, really really love noodles. They would be absolutely thrilled if they could have noodles every night for dinner. I don’t even bother asking them what they want for dinner anymore as know what the answer will be. It’s pretty predictable. I’m sure just about all kids…