Lemon Crinkle Cookies

Firm outside, soft inside. My two daughters are involved in Girl Guides. They are actually following my footsteps as I was in Girl Guides in my youth. The camps and activities we did were some of the best memories I have to this day. This Sunday is Father’s Day and the Girl Guide unit my…

Caramel Cookies

Taking ownership in the kitchen. The weekends is a great time to do fun things with the kids. I love to especially get them in involved in the kitchen. With two kids, it’s like two monkeys fighting. Who gets to sift, who gets to measure. It’s chaos. So last weekend I decided that each child…

Cake Mix Cookies

Baking in a rush. I was in the middle of doing dinner when two kids asked if we could bake some cookies. They wanted to have one after dinner for dessert. I decided to oblige. After all, my youngest asked with her puppy dog look she’s renowned for and my oldest said the word “please”….

Classic Peanut Cookies

More chopped nuts than I needed! Being in lockdown is tough. I won’t lie. We’ve gone into our second lockdown here in Sydney and I’m back occupying my time cleaning. Honestly, what else is there to do? This house may be messy thanks to the kids, but it’s the cleanest it’s been since lockdown last…

Chequer Board Cookies

Two cookies in one! Sydney is currently in a COVID lockdown with further restrictions. It’s a crazy time here currently. Lots of uncertainty about the future as shops shut, construction ceases and around 100 people contracting COVID per day. Hopefully, this is only for the next two weeks until we can get numbers down but…

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

Gluten-free & so easy to make! Imagine a cookie recipe with no butter and no flour. That’s what these choc chip peanut butter cookies have… absolutely no butter and no flour. Are you wondering if this is at all possible? Well, I definitely thought that when I saw this recipe. These choc chip peanut butter…

Gingernut Cookies

An Arnott’s copycat recipe. I grew up on Arnott’s Gingernut cookies. If you ever lived in Australia or New Zealand, you’d be the same. These are an institution. Have been around for literally forever. Growing up, dad used to call these teeth breakers because they were so hard. That’s what was so wonderful about them….

Italian Biscotti

Biscotti… but not as you know it. Amazing how you discover a new recipe. I credit this recipe to a work colleague who recently brought baking to work. She had made a big batch of biscuits with her mum. They are recreating her grandma’s old handwritten recipes with the aim to make a printed cookbook…