Pulled Pork

An American tribute. Back in the day before kids, Daniel and I travelled a fair amount. Our biggest trip was in 2012 in a RV where we drove from Key West in the Florida Keys to New Jersey. This was a massive RV and slept 6 people which we hired for $1 a day to…

Tex Mex Chicken

A meal so easy you’ll love it! I can’t claim credit for this recipe. I was inspired by Catherine who was a former workawayer who stayed with us for 6 weeks in 2017. She introduced me to Tex Mex Chicken Wraps and I haven’t looked back since! Catherine is from Texas in USA so she…

American Pancakes

Big thick and fluffy pancakes – what great pancakes should be! While I love trying different pancake recipes from all over the world, this recipe is definitely a family favourite.


Don’t let the long list of ingredients scare you off – most of those are spice related which gives the complex smokey flavour that is Jambalaya. Despite all the ingredients, making this meal is simpler than making a risotto.