Tomato Basil Penne with Chicken

Fresh is best. As a working mum and the chief cook in this household, I can say there are times I just don’t want to cook. It’s either too hot to cook, I’m tired after a long day, or just can’t be bothered. Ordering takeaways is the last thing I want to do. After all,…

Simple Pumpkin Soup

A family staple recipe. Ask any mum if they make pumpkin soup and I’m sure the answer will be yes. It’s a meal that graces many dinner tables during winter. It’s also a meal that frequents a cafe’s menu too. With it being so incredibly popular, of course, we have our own version we make…

Spicy Salami & Eggplant Penne

Warm, not spicy. I know, you’re thinking of course this meal is spicy. After all, it has spicy salami as the key ingredient. Well yes… it does have this. However, when combined with all the other ingredients, this pasta is definitely warm and not spicy. I made this and the family polished off every last…

Beer Batter Fish

A pub meal at home. If you’re Australian, New Zealander, Canadian, Irish or British it’s almost a certainty you have visited a pub for a meal. While there, chances are you’ve had one time beer batter fish & chips. Let me explain what is a pub to those not familar with it. Pub is short…

Chicken Sweet Corn Soup

Nourishing soup for the whole family. It’s winter and Sydney sure has had some really cold days of late! Cold to us Sydneysiders means that the high for the day is around 16 degrees celsius with a low of around 8 degrees. I know, that’s not that cold but for us beach lovers it is….

Nicoise Salad

Nicoise is the best salad… ever! I can’t remember when was the first time I ever tried a Nicoise Salad. I do remember however that this was my go-to lunch of choice from a cafe near one of my former jobs. It’s an amazing salad. I honestly can’t rate it enough. And lately, I’ve been…

Creamy Scrambled Eggs

By slow cooking the eggs, you’ll end up with a silky result that replicates what you receive in cafés when you order brunch. This scrambled eggs recipe might take a little longer to make but as they say, patience is a virtue and you won’t be disappointed!

Smoked Salmon Spaghetti

If you’re after a quick and easy family meal, this should be on your rotate. It’s one of my favourite pasta meals to make plus a great way to pack in some omega-3 into the diet. The kids love this when I make it but I think they’d love anything with pasta.