Raw Choc Brownie Balls

Guilt-free chocolate brownies.

I’m sure we’ve all heard about no-bake protein, energy balls or even bliss balls. If you haven’t heard of these you’re obviously missing out! They’ve taken the recipe world by storm due to their simplistic nature to create a healthy snacking solution. These little brownie balls of delight are great if you’re after a guilt-free snack or just crave a little extra sweetness in your life. Seriously easy to make… just blend all the ingredients together and then roll the mixture into balls. No baking required! You can’t have it simpler than that.

I made a batch of these raw chocolate brownie balls as wanted a change from the usual biscuits, cakes, and other treats. I honestly wasn’t too sure about making this but thought why not give it a go. Since they are a healthy alternative to other sweet treats, I thought these brownie balls would be sweeter than they were. The sweetness in this brownie ball recipe comes solely from the dates, but the bitterness from the raw cacao counteracts that somewhat. I liked these protein balls and so did Catherine who was staying with us at the time. But I’ll be honest, Daniel didn’t like them. I think he expected these brownie balls to be more like a rum ball when he pinched one from the bowl.

When I first read the recipe and saw it called for Medjool dates, I had to resort to trusty Google. I had no idea what these were. Surely dates are dates, right? According to different articles online, the difference between different varieties of dates is like a granny smith apple and a Fuji apple. Not a huge amount. The reason why Medjool dates are in recipes is that they’re much softer, sweeter and stickier. Therefore it makes cooking a lot easier. Whatever type of date you use (or have in your home) just make sure they are soft. The hard ones won’t be as sweet.

Raw Choc Brownie Balls - the dates is what gives this treat the sweetness without added sugar.
Raw Choc Brownie Balls – the dates is what gives this treat the sweetness without added sugar.

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If you like this recipe, you’ll also love others available here. From pastas to risottos, cookies to desserts, and bliss balls to gluten-free options with everything in between. There is truly something here for everyone. I have developed this website to provide family-friendly recipes where I maximise both fresh produce while minimising cost.

Raw Choc Brownie Balls - these little balls give you a healthy sugar free treat without the guilt.

Raw Choc Brownie Balls

Super easy to make, yet super healthy to eat. These little balls of delight are great if you're after a guilt-free snack or just crave a little extra sweetness in your life. All you need to do is just blend all the ingredients together and then roll the mixture into balls. Easy as!
Prep Time 8 minutes
Total Time 8 minutes
Servings 12 serves


  • 1 cup pecan nuts
  • 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 10 medjool dates, pitted
  • water


  • In a food processor or high-powered blender, mix the pecan nuts and cocoa powder together into a flour.
  • Add the vanilla and dates and blend until the mixture is well combined and starts to ball together.
  • Add a tablespoon of water if needed, to help the mixture ball together.
  • Take a tablespoon of the mixture and roll into a ball. Repeat until you have approximately 12 balls.
  • Keep in an air-tight container for up to 10 days.

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