Broccoli with Almonds

An upgrade to a humble steamed side dish.

Broccoli is one of our favourite vegetables. It always in our fridge and often comes out for roast dinners, stir-fries and as a side dish with grilled meats. My oldest would happily order a bowl of broccoli when we dine out and just eat this. Weird, I know. But honestly, I’m not complaining! So sometimes you want to jazz up your humble vegetables and turn them into something more special. This broccoli with toasted almonds recipe does exactly that.

Do you know why broccoli is so good for you? It’s a highly nutritious vegetable that’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre. It also contains high levels of vitamins such as C, K, A and folate. Broccoli is also a good source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. All this makes this a super special vegetable in my books.

This recipe is something mum would make as a treat for a dinner party. The flavours of the toasted almonds in butter is out of this world. Paired with broccoli, just delicious. Making broccoli with almonds is really easy and uses steamed broccoli that you probably already make on a regular basis.

How to choose the best broccoli to buy

Fresh is best, you can’t argue with that. To ensure you select the best head of broccoli next time you go shopping, here are some tips to help:

  • Look for firm, tight, and compact florets. Broccoli should have tightly closed florets that are compact and feel firm.
  • Check the stem. This should be firm, straight, and not too thick. Avoid broccoli with a woody or tough stem, or with visible cracks or splits.
  • Check the color. It should have a vibrant green colour, with no signs of yellowing or browning which may indicate that it is overripe or damaged. The stalks should also be green, with no discoloration or blemishes.
  • Smell the broccoli. Fresh broccoli should have a mild, slightly sweet, and earthy smell. If you smell a strong or unpleasant odour, it’s quite possibly past its prime.
  • Consider the size. Choose broccoli with medium-sized florets which are easier to cook. These tend to be more tender than larger ones too. Avoid broccoli heads that are either very small or very large – these may not be as fresh or flavourful.

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Broccoli with Almonds - This takes a humble vegetable to the next level! Serve this at your next dinner party as a perfect side dish.

Broccoli with Almonds

Broccoli with almonds makes a delicious side dish for special occasions such as dinner parties and celebrations. It is easy to make and packed with flavour.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 4 people


  • 3 cups broccoli cut into pieces, 1 medium head
  • 100 g unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2/3 cup almond slivers, raw
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • black pepper, freshly ground to taste


  • Prepare your broccoli by cutting the florets into equal sizes. Rinse these thoroughly under cold water. Peel and discard the outer skin of the stems then slice them into quarters lengthwise.
  • Using a large pot, bring 3cm of water to boil.
  • Place the broccoli into the steamer basket and add into the pot. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, or when you can pierce a fork through it. Remove the broccoli and add into the serving dish.
  • While your broccoli is steaming, work quickly to prepare the almonds. Heat the butter in a small pot over a medium heat and add the almond slivers. Keep tossing the almonds around to ensure all sides are toasted equally. Keep a close eye on both the almonds and butter. When the butter starts to turn nut brown, add the olive oil to stop it from burning.
  • Deglaze the butter with juice of the lemon, and remove from the heat.
  • Drizzle over the steamed broccoli and immediately serve.


  • You can substitute broccoli for broccolini.
  • Green vegetables like broccoli will turn from vibrant green to drab olive green at about the 7 minute mark of cooking. It's important to watch the time and don't let the broccoli overcook!
  • Keep a close eye on your butter and almonds. It can go from a pale colour to dark and burnt quite quickly.

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